Raw Cream

Raw Cream

cream separated from milk


We are working on building the health of our girls to bring you a premium product at an affordable price. All testing will be publicly available so you can rest assured you are choosing your health! We look forward to serving you and appreciate your patience! 

Available only as a herd share member! 

Raw cream separated from Jersey milk is the rich, fatty layer that rises to the top of fresh, unpasteurized milk. Jersey cows are particularly known for their high butterfat content, which gives the cream a smooth, thick texture and a rich, buttery flavor. Unlike store-bought cream, which is often pasteurized and homogenized, raw cream is unprocessed and retains its natural enzymes, probiotics, and vitamins, offering a pure and flavorful product. It can be collected through a process known as cream separation, where the milk is left to sit so the cream rises naturally, or through a mechanical cream separator that efficiently divides the cream from the milk. 

Uses for Raw Cream:

  1. Whipped Cream: Raw cream can be easily whipped into a delicious, light topping for desserts like pies, cakes, and fruit, or used in coffee or hot chocolate.
  2. Butter: By churning raw cream, you can make homemade butter. This process also creates buttermilk, which has its own culinary uses.
  3. Heavy Cream for Cooking: Raw cream can be used in a variety of savory and sweet dishes. It's perfect for making creamy sauces, soups, and dressings, or for enriching coffee and hot beverages.
  4. Ice Cream: With its high butterfat content, raw cream is the perfect base for making homemade, rich, and creamy ice cream.
  5. Cream in Coffee or Tea: Raw cream is a great addition to coffee or tea, offering a more natural and flavorful alternative to commercial creamers.
  6. Cottage Cheese: The cream can also be used to make cottage cheese when combined with the curds and whey from raw milk.
  7. Cheese Making: Raw cream is a valuable ingredient in homemade cheeses, contributing to a rich and creamy texture in cheeses like cream cheese or ricotta.